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How do I use APARBooks to manage my daily works

By Reality, Project Coordinator

Uploaded: December, 2022

I'm a project coordinator for construction projects, normally overseeing two projects at the same time and handling all project aspects, especially paperworks. For the accounting part, that’s managing invoices from subcontractors and handling material orders, equipment rentals etc.

There’s one situation that requires very carefully: when I receive an invoice from a material supplier that I hadn’t contact before, I must identify its purpose. It could be billed to a subcontractor, tied to a specific subcontract. In such cases, I must carefully document it into excel and mark it under the relevant subcontract. Most of our subcontractors don't use accounting systems, or just simple usage of quickbooks. Sometimes, they may submit invoices that more than the contract price, especially in complex situations, like previous one.

However, since starting to use APARBooks to manage these invoices, the process has become so much easy. With a simple click, I just need to select the subcontractor's contract related to the supplier invoice. The system will automatically link and deduct the invoice amount from the subcontract. And will be listed on the subcontract billing history records. No more need for Excel to record all these details, and no more worrying about potential mistakes.

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