A Hub for Overseeing
Project-in-Progress Finances

Reviewing, approving payment applications, handling change orders at one place

How we work


GC Sends Application

Payment Applications, Change Orders, and more


YOU Review and Action

Approval, Ask for Changes, or Decline


OWNER Gets a Notification

Not only owner, all management team members

It's FREE No Hidden Fees Unlimited Projects Unlimited Colleagues

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Assist in automating your workflow and boost your working efficiency.

Save time by not manually searching emails for history records

Instead of spending valuable time navigating through email archives, you can swiftly access comprehensive records, accelerating workflows and ensuring a more time-efficient and productive professional experience.

Recap past payment applications

Track each cost item histories

Ensure clarity on change orders

Overlook past progress payments percentage on each schedule of value items

Easily track past progress payments history using an overlay-style page, offering a clear overview of each cost of item's billing status for streamlined payment management

Stay informed on project progress on every aspect

Quickly recap of previous payments

Enhance the accuracy of decision-making

Track activity history for each application quickly catch up what happened previously

Records real-time changes and events. Including approvals, comments, ask for changes, declines and more.

Stay current with immediate records of billing, approval and any feedbacks

Save time by quickly understanding and make the right decisions

Show your professionalism in managing project in progress billings

Stay informed about your project's status at every step, Ensure seamless decision-making with up-date details and proactive updates.

Build trust through excellence on project in progress billing paperworks

Clients love to work with professionals

Demonstrate your professionalism

A strategic approach to building connections with clients or customers over time

React Faster

Quickly recap history, enhance productivity, minimize downtime, reduce the risk of delays, and ensure that tasks and projects progress smoothly


Automated cost caculations, including invoices, payment applications and change orders, ensures accuracy, reduce the potential for manual calculation errors.


Not only streamlines workflows but also enhances precision, fostering a efficient approach that reflects a commitment to excellence in every aspect of the job.

Time Saving

Consolidate in one platform, eliminate the need to sift through email history. Boost efficiency and enable a more productive professional experience.

The plans we offer


Suitable for most projects

  • Unlimited Projects
  • Invite coworkers
  • Limite project accesses
  • Share and Notification
  • Approval Process
  • Cost Breakdown
  • Payment Applications
  • Change Orders
  • Project Reimbursements
  • Preliminary Lien Control
  • Lien Waiver Document
  • Project In Progress Report


Need customized features

Contact Us
  • We understand that your unique business requirements may demand a more tailored approach.

    Our dedicated representatives are eager to work with you, ensuring that our software is customized precisely to your requirements.

  • Document Control
  • Approval Chain
  • Customized Alert
  • Unlimited File Storage
  • Premium Support


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