For General Contractor

We Made The Work Simple

We deep understand how complex the accounting work, and how stressful of office paparworks

Record a Bill

Through our fundamental and versatile user-friendly form, you can effortlessly record up to 70 different types of bills, covering everything from project-related expenses to reimbursements.

Easy Entry and Usage Highlight

Normal Invoice

Contract Invoice

Equipment Rental Invoice

Billed To Subcontractor

Working Hours

Anti Duplicate Invoice

Cost Item Association

Contract On-The-Fly

Change Order On-The-Fly

Multiple File Upload

Write a Check

Same as printing check in Quickbooks, streamline your accounts payable flow and ensure smooth financial management, to all aspects of check writing within a single platform

Easy to Print Highlight

Auto Check Numbers

Standard Business Check

Customize Settings

Check Processing

Check Clear


By entering subcontract agreements, tracking associated change orders and linking bill transactions, gaining a comprehensive view of their project's financial forecast

Link to Bills

Link to Transactions

Link to Supplier Bills

Auto Calcuation Balance

Change Orders


Cost Item

Ability to access in-depth financial data, enabling analyze, plan, and optimize every aspect of your construction project. Your key to informed decision-making and financial control

Bidding Cost Breakdown

Buildin CSI-16 Template

Buildin CSI-50 Template

Manually Create

Sub Cost Items

Link to Vendor Bill

Link to Subcontract

Link to Reimbursement

Link to Change Order

Expense Analyse

Receivable Analyse

Budget Analyse

Profit Analyse

Actual Expense Analyse

Estimate Expense Analyse

Auto Apply to Payment Application

Preliminary Notice

All relevant notices are linked to the corresponding parties, enhances payment accuracy, legal compliance, and payment transparency, all within an efficient workflow


Reputed Subcontractor

Auto Link Vendor Bill


File Upload

Waiver and Release

Automatically generated waiver and release documents for both payable to vendors and receivable from owners, streamlining your workflow and saving you valuable time

Buildin File Template

Auto Fulfill Blanks

Conditional Progress

Conditional Final

Unconditional Progress

Unconditional Final

For Account Payable

For Account Receivable


By setting budgets for subcontracts, materials, labor, and equipment rentals on each cost item, you can achieve an unprecedented level of detail in every aspect of project finance.

Sub Cost Item


Equipment Rental

Site Service



Auto Calculation Variance

Budget Overrun Warning


Providing detailed, real-time information about project progress. Offering a holistic view of project's financial health, breaking down costs to give you unparalleled transparency

Project Financial Statistics


Remind Reimbursement

Invoice Balance

Current Payment Application Sequence

Current Retainage

Remaining Balance

Change Orders Overview

Unpaid Bills

Waiting for Approval Bills

Subcontract Balance

Active Preliminary Lien Notice

Payment Application

Simplifies the often complex process of generating payment applications by automatically producing AIA-style forms, coverring progress billing and release of retainage.

Customized Settings Highlight

AIA Style Billing

Auto Generate Payment Application Package

Auto Generate Invoice

Auto Invoice Sequence

Auto Calculation Progress Payment

Auto Calculation Retainage Payment

Customized Invoice


Additional Files

Monitor Approval Status

Auto Apply Schedule of Value

Change Order

Automatically generating standard change order files, updating the contract value once owner approves, reducing manual work and enhancing accuracy, ensuring a cohesive workflow

Easy Data Entry Highlight

Auto Calculation

Auto Overhead

Auto Change Order Sequence

Days Change

Link Vendor Bill to Change Order

Apply to Schedule of Value

Auto Generate Change Order File

Monitor Approval Status

Permission Control

Auto Apply to Payment Application

Auto Calculate Contract Volume


Not only traditional payable reimbursements but also to receivables, separates your project invoice from reimbursement, providing clarity and transparency in transactions

Link Paid Bill

Auto Generate Invoice

Auto Calculation

Monitor Approval Status

Unpaid Reminder

Record Transaction

Reimbursement Reminder

Write Check

Multiple Transactions

Record Receivable

Recording payments you receive, whether progress, final payments, or reimbursement, maintaining precise financial records, under control and well-documented

Multiple Invoices

Split Payments

Payment to Vendor

Deposit to Account

Balance Reminders

Email Notification

By setting up email notifications, you can rest assured that you'll never miss an important event or task in the future, whether it's about project milestones, financial updates, or crucial actions.

Immediate Sending

Schedule Sending

Remind Equipment Rental Return

Remind Deposit Returning Back

Remind Collect Paperworks

Multiple Recipients

Customized Reminding Message


Maintaining histories of records, tracking every action and event, as well as the individuals responsible for them, effortlessly retrace steps and quickly identify who initiated specific actions.

Waiting for Approval

Approve Payment Request

Decline Payment Request

Edit Cost Item

Bill to Owner

Add Subcontract

Edit Subcontract

Add Change Order

Record Preliminary Lien Notice

Release Preliminary Lien Notice

Add Vendor

Record Transaction

Invite Colleagues

Send Invoice for Approval

Send Change Order for Approval

Owner Response

Customized Comment

Operation Expense

By built-in accounts charts, simplifying the management of all operation expenses across your organization, saving time and simplifying the year-end tax filing process

Buildin Charts of Accounts

Link to Bills

Directly Print Check

Record Card Transaction

Record Cash Payment


Allowing each team member to focus on their core responsibilities without the risk of inadvertent access to sensitive data. Enhancing financial security and streamlining team's workflow.

Account Payable

Account Receivable

Business Operations


Project Manager



Add Vendor

Record subcontracts

Record Preliminary Lien Notice

Record Transactions

Write Checks

Prepare Payment Application

Prepare Project Reimbursements

Record Received Payments

Project Reports

Business Reports

Operation Expenses

Bank Account Setting

Cash Payments

Bank Reconciliation

To Learn more about the feature


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